Become a Member


Individual Membership, $40

You will receive periodic newsletters that provide updates on our projects to establish or expand reserves. These newsletters will also report on recent OCA trips to orchidaceous destinations around the world. An important benefit of membership is that you will get early notice of upcoming “Orchids in the Wild™” trips as they become available. These trips often sell out, sometimes very quickly.


Family Membership, $75

Enroll your entire family in the fight to preserve orchids and orchid habitats. You receive all the benefits of an Individual Membership plus a discounted membership rate.
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Patron Membership, $175

Membership at this level enables the purchase of half an acre of orchid-rich habitat in the tropics. In addition to all the benefits of Individual Membership, a $100 discount on an Orchids in the Wild™ trip.

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Benefactor Membership, $350

Membership at this level enables the purchase of an acre of orchid-rich habitat or supports the guards who both document species of the reserves and help to protect the land. In addition to all the benefits of Individual Membership, you receive a $200 discount on an Orchids in the Wild™ trip.

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Sponsor Membership, $1,000

Sponsor membership pays the salary of a reserve guard for one month or enables the purchase of three acres of orchid-rich habitat. In addition to all the benefits of Individual Membership, you a $300 discount on an Orchids in the Wild™ trip.

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