Orchid Conservation Alliance Mission Statement

The Orchid Conservation Alliance works to create and support orchid reserves so that nature’s most amazing flora will continue to thrive in the wild.

What We Do

The Orchid Conservation Alliance partners with organizations and foundations in orchid rich regions to protect the native habitats of orchids. Creating reserves preserves numerous orchid species, often including undiscovered forms, as well as the ecosystem in which they exist. Critical for orchid conservation in the wild, preservation of habitat protects pollinators as well as birds, amphibians, mammals, other plants, and even fungi.

Our Reserves

Through partnerships with local organizations and foundations, the Orchid Conservation Alliance has preserved nearly 4600 acres of pristine, biodiverse orchid rich habitat. To date, these reserves have been created in Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil, and we are open to supporting the creation of reserves in other orchid rich regions of the world.

Watch this video to learn more about orchid conservation via habitat preservation.

Peter Tobias explains the origin of the Orchid Conservation Alliance as well as the importance of orchid conservation.

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Orchids in the Wild Ecotours

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OCA Reserves

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Current Projects

Dracula Reserve (Ecominga)

La Palma

Rio Anzu (Ecominga)


Serra Bonita

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